Devon GEARHART Trade hangover. No grave hatred. Engraver had to. Anthony GEARY Any thorny age. Angry at honey. To angry hyena. Cynthia GEARY Yachting year. Any itchy rage. Tiny gray ache. Karl GEARY A grey lark. Grey laker. Larger yak. George GEBHART Beget her aggro. The beggar ogre. Martina GEDECK Ticked manager. Aced marketing. Mean aged trick. Cremated a king. Get kind camera. Tracked enigma. Jason GEDRICK Jocks reading. Joking cadres. OK jig dancers. Robbie GEE Beige robe. Ellen GEER Renege ell. Ere NL glee. Will GEER Wee grill. Judy GEESON Nosey judge. Dengue joys. Nudge joeys. Martha GEHMAN Harm ham agent. Hag meant harm. Bob GELDOF Beg old fob. Fobbed log. Of bold beg. Daniel GELIN Leading line. I gleaned nil. Lending a lie. Sarah Michelle GELLAR Leash illegal charmer. Rehash legal millrace. Giuliano GEMMA A minimal gouge. Mug alien amigo. Guile among aim. Laura GEMSER Mauler rages. Male arguers. A surreal gem. Pierre GENDRON Preening order. Engender prior. Per dinner ogre. Sophie GENDRON Speeding honor. Opening hordes. Ignored phones. Bryan GENESSE Sense by anger. Leo GENN Neon gel. One glen. Troy GENTILE Glittery one. Got entirely. Only greet it. Brian GEORGE Naggier bore. Ignore barge. No bigger era. Christopher GEORGE Regret ogrish epoch. Other soggier perch. Heroes trigger chop. Chief Dan GEORGE Feed heroic gang. Defacing her ego. Freeing each dog. Gladys GEORGE Leggy sad ogre. Goggles ready. Greasy dogleg. Helen GEORGE Her glee gone. Hero gene gel. Gel gone here. Ne'er hog glee. Gene log here. Lynda Day GEORGE Nearly dodgy age. Dogged any relay. One raggedy lady. Maude GEORGE Regauge demo. ER demagogue. Due meager go. Melissa GEORGE Merges goalies. Slim egos agree. Imageless ogre. Susan GEORGE Generous SAG. Gauge sensor. Surgeon ages. Tom GEORGESON Stooge-monger. Go monster ego. Get Romeo song. Brian GERAGHTY Giant hagberry. Baring the gray. The big granary. Carmelita GERAGHTY Rate almighty grace. Gray theatrical gem. Tamely gather cigar. Chatty larger image. Earthly ragtag mice. Lethargic arty game. Gil GERARD Large grid. Larger dig. Drag liger. Steven GERAY Greasy event. Get very sane. TV angers eye. A vestry gene. Stay revenge. Every agent's. Neva GERBER Brave genre. Veneer brag. Braver gene. Richard GERE Richer grade. Charge rider. Reach girder. Peter GERETY Greet ER type. Re-tree Egypt. Lauren GERMAN Numeral range. Annual merger. Arrange lumen. Ran large menu. Ran neural gem. An unreal germ. Greg GERMANN Merge RN gang. Elio GERMANO Genial romeo. Loonier game. No more agile. No ego mailer. Ignore a mole. A germ loonie. Gina GERSHON Earnings hog. Hearing song. Heroin gangs. Frank GERSTLE Flank regrets. Graft kernels. Jami GERTZ EZ trig jam. Ricky GERVAIS Risk icy grave. Vicar rigs key. Greta GERWIG Wage trigger. Zen GESNER NZ reneges. Sumner GETCHELL Genre tells much. Cull her segment. Cells met hunger. Malcolm GETS Lost gem calm. Balthazar GETTY Target lazy bath. Grab tatty hazel. Estelle GETTY Yet settle gel. Let testy glee. John GETZ Hog NZ jet. Alice GHOSTLEY Cheesily gloat. Hostile legacy. Local eyesight. Shy collegiate. Chose legality. The logical yes. Cheat silly ego. Oil's the legacy. Eighty locales. Ju-Bong GI Jug in bog. Paul GIAMATTI Map IATA guilt. Louis GIAMBALVO Lob visual amigo. Rick GIANASI A sick airing. Cigar is akin. Giancarlo GIANNINI Gaining in Carolina. Original Incan gain. Align ironic angina. Cynthia GIBB Itching baby. Yachting bib. Itchy bib nag. Charles GIBLYN Chagrin by sell. Cry shall begin. Chilly bangers. Deborah GIBSON Bash boring ode. No shabbier dog. Dorothy GIBSON Got by dishonor. Broody hosting. Soon got hybrid. Helen GIBSON Ignoble hens. Heeling snob. Leg shinbone. Henry GIBSON Brings honey. NY neighbors. Shy or benign? Hoot GIBSON No big shoot. Oh, boosting. Boo in ghost. Margaret GIBSON Boring megastar. Mastering Garbo. Smearing Bogart. Mel GIBSON Glib omens. Single mob. Thomas GIBSON Gnomish boast. Hating bosoms. Tyrese GIBSON Sense bigotry. Binge oysters. Sense gory bit. Virginia GIBSON Biasing in vigor. Visioning a brig. Big rig invasion. Pamela GIDLEY Play ideal gem. Map daily glee. I pedal gamely. John GIELGUD Hole judging. Hi, jungle dog. Ugh, olden jig. Olden jig hug. Stefan GIERASCH Fairest changes. Seafaring chest. Fetches sangria. Safer teachings. Enrages catfish. Seething fracas. Faces this anger. Far-seeing chats. Franchise stage. Alan GIFFORD Daring offal. Off a darling. Fading flora. Frances GIFFORD Frogs can differ. Scoff darn grief. Jack GIFFORD Coff dark jig. Drag JFK foci. Cam GIGANDET And get magic. Manic gadget. Billy GILBERT Glib libel try. Girl bit belly. Let rib glibly. Dick GILBERT Girl bedtick. Florence GILBERT Reflect big loner. Forge recent bill. Fire gentler bloc. Helen GILBERT Begin her tell. Lighten rebel. Bill the genre. John GILBERT Jingle throb. Ole, bright NJ. Melissa GILBERT Eligible smarts. Gets liberalism. Garbles elitism. Grimiest labels. Bigamist seller. Libeler's stigma. Mercedes GILBERT Rest credible gem. Greeted climbers. Select merger bid. Taylor GILBERT Gloat terribly. A brittle glory. Glory bit alert. Connie GILCHRIST Reconciling hits. Chronicling ties. Inching it closer. Circling this one. Licensing to rich. No English critic. Rhett GILES Reset light. "Glee" T-shirt. Get her list. Slighter E.T. Relight set. Jack GILFORD Old JFK cigar. DJ cigar folk. Zach GILFORD Zilch of drag. Thea GILL Legal hit. Lithe gal. All eight. Marie GILLAIN A migraine ill. Girlie animal. Alien girl aim. Aidan GILLEN Lining a deal. Inlaid angle. Anita GILLETTE Elate litigant. A little eating. Gain late title. Seth GILLIAM As limelight. Allies might. Legal mishit. A light slime. All-time sigh. A light smile. This time lag. Emit his gall. Terry GILLIAM Grimly retail. I'm girly, later. Grimily alert. Daniel GILLIES Illegal inside. Align idle lies. Allies glide in. Richard GILLILAND Darling child liar. Chill idling radar. Grill rich Aladdin. Claude GILLINGWATER Called wait grueling. Aging cellulite draw. Lunatic wriggle deal. Ann GILLIS Nil signal. An ill sign. All sing in. Alexie GILMORE Male ego elixir. Mire exile goal. Helen GILMORE Emerge on hill. No regime hell. Merge in hello. Lowell GILMORE Ole, mellow girl. Mellow ogre ill. Paul GILMORE Roll up image. I plug morale. Mural epilog. Jack GILPIN Jail PC king. Nick jig pal. Cap jig link. Tom GILROY Omit glory. Too grimly. I try gloom. Jessalyn GILSIG Saying jigs sell. Hermione GINGOLD Regime holding on. Gloomier end nigh. Hide gremlin goon. Robert GINTY By retorting. Torn by tiger. Orbit gentry. Vahina GIOCANTE Changing aviation. Navigating ache. Giant avian echo. Ty GIORDANO Or toadying. Do gyration. A dying root. Got no diary. To rid agony. Dog at irony. Tony GIORGIO Gig irony, too. Go toy origin. Ringo to yogi. Carmine D. GIOVINAZZO Moving zanier zodiac. Amazing zircon video. Mae GIRACI A magic ire. Cagier aim. I aim grace. Joseph GIRARD Sharp, dire jog. Joseph W. GIRARD Reward posh jig. Jaws grip horde. Grows per jihad. Remy GIRARD Grimy darer. Regird army. Simone-Elise GIRARD Idealising remorse. Reloading miseries. Imagines dire loser. So admires lingerie. Loses dire migraine. Gains mere idoliser. Annie GIRARDOT Adore training. Reading ration. I adore ranting. Hippolyte GIRARDOT Happier grotty idol. Ditto happier glory. Adopt girlie trophy. Claude GIRAUD Dracula guide. Ideal guru cad. Gradual ID cue. Bernard GIRAUDEAU Bureau garden raid. Bear rude guardian. Massimo GIROTTI Omits grim iotas. Misogamist riot. Annabeth GISH An absent high. Ah, began hints. Dorothy GISH Gosh, thyroid. Dishy hog rot. Lillian GISH Hailing ills. I signal hill. Robin GIVENS Big environs. Bovine grins. George GIVOT Get ego vigor. Veto ogre gig. Give to gorge. Lulu GLASER Argue lulls. Lures a gull. Slug allure. Paul Michael GLASER Gauche parallelism. Plus magical healer. Misplace large haul. Push illegal camera. Cellular age mishap. Replica males laugh. Ned GLASS Gladness. Lends gas. Sends gal. Ron GLASS Gloss ran. Rang loss. Nor slags. Isabel GLASSER Salesgirl base. Liberal gasses. Algebra is less. Summer GLAU Smug mauler. Glummer USA. Mugs lemur. Louise GLAUM Go usual mile. So alum guile. Usual oil gem. Eugene Robert GLAZER Regulate born geezer. Rogue breeze tangler. Greener gaze trouble. Adda GLEASON As old agenda. A sodden gala. adden a goal. Jackie GLEASON Analgesic joke. Keen social jag. On jackal siege. James GLEASON San Jose gleam. Sane males jog. On ageless jam. Joanna GLEASON Nag Jason alone. Anon gaol jeans. Mary Pat GLEASON Analogy stamper. Mangy pastorale. Play to managers. Nag amoral types. Play no megastar. A planetary smog. Sly anagram poet. Paste any glamor. Paul GLEASON Nag pale soul. Use gaol plan. Loan plagues. Brendan GLEESON Endangers Nobel. Angels on bender. England on beers. Iain GLEN Gain line. Alien gin. Philip GLENISTER Hirelings tipple. Triple is helping. The rippling lies. Scott GLENN NC gent lost. Sharon GLESS Hangs losers. Song hassler Slasher song. Brian GLOVER Abler roving. Barring love. Braver lingo. Braving role. No viler brag. No glib raver. Bruce GLOVER Or clever bug. Cover bugler. Crispin GLOVER Pricing solver. Scorn evil prig. Girls province. Danny GLOVER Loved granny. Govern Dylan. John GLOVER Hog JV loner. Julian GLOVER Jail gun lover. Mark GODDARD Drag odd mark. Paulette GODDARD Guarded adept lot. Ultra-adept dodge. Adopt adult greed. Trevor GODDARD Drat drover dog. Trod odd graver. GODFREY Edgy for. Arthur GODFREY Regard hot fury. Hurry after dog. Guard other fry. Adam GODLEY Delay dogma. Moldy adage. A dodgy meal. Mad lady ego. Oddly, a game. A godly dame. Dagmar GODOWSKY Doggy draws amok. Moody gawks drag. Judith GODRECHE Judged the choir. Hid reject dough. Echo third judge. Alexander GODUNOV Unload vexed groan. Deluxe dragon nova. Lax unavenged odor. Peter Michael GOETZ Their complete gaze. Compile her gazette. Gaze met helicopter. John GOFF Off NJ hog. Siena GOINES Asinine egos. Easing noise. Walton GOGGINS Not waggling so. To slow nagging. Noting gas glow. Joanna GOING No angina jog. Tracey GOLD Decry gloat. Led gory act. Get dry coal. Adam GOLDBERG Garbled dogma. Mad old beggar. Gag odd blamer. Whoopi GOLDBERG Glib gopherwood. Jeff GOLDBLUM Muffle LBJ dog. Annie GOLDEN Ending alone. An old engine. Needing loan. Heather GOLDENHERSCH Change threshold here. Shortchanged her heel. Diane GOLDNER Endanger idol. Leading drone. Ending ordeal. Learned doing. Reloed ending. No idle danger. Ordain legend. An odd leering. Do real ending. Jenette GOLDSTEIN Jettisoned gentle. Joined gentle test. Detest jingle tone. Bobcat GOLDTHWAIT Blight towboat cad. Tony GOLDWYN Godly 'n towny. Valeria GOLINO Gooier vanilla. A love original. Oil loving area. Arlene GOLONKA Enlarge OK loan. Lank ogre alone. An angel looker. Minna GOMBELL Mangle no limb. Bill gnome man. Blaming lemon. Carlos GOMEZ Mr. Cool's gaze. Gloom crazes. Ian GOMEZ Oz enigma. Zen amigo. Magi zone. Selena GOMEZ Gnome sleaze. See zonal gem. See Oz mangle. Thomas GOMEZ Hot mom's gaze. Milton GONCALVES Not calling moves. Collating venoms. Novel last coming. Loving calm notes. Long violent scam. Malign novel cost. Myrtle GONZALEZ Mezzo angry tell. Gently razzle MO. Rick GONZALEZ Can OK grizzle. EZ razing lock. Julie GONZALO Oz jail lounge. Meagan GOOD Damage no-go. Mad goon age. Managed goo. Caroline GOODALL Old colonial gear. No logical ordeal. No allegorical do. Matthew GOODE Meadow ghetto. Towed tame hog. Twee hot dogma. Omar GOODING Do a grooming. Cuba GOODING Jr. Dug organic job. Michael GOODLIFFE Off homicidal glee. Filched fool image. Gloom failed chief. Brian GOODMAN Brand no amigo. A boring nomad. A random bingo. Cameron GOODMAN Adore common nag. No commando rage. Dogma on romance. Dody GOODMAN And moody dog. Do dodgy moan. Odd go Monday. Henry GOODMAN No hardy gnome. My honored nag. John GOODMAN OD on mahjong. . Bill GOODWIN Bowling idol. Glib old wino. Ginnifer GOODWIN Wooing infringed. Ignoring if owned. Widening roofing. Harold GOODWIN Hardwood lingo. Now gold hairdo. Dialing grown hood. Malcolm GOODWIN Clown amid gloom. Laid common glow. David GORCEY Cadged ivory. Odd icy grave. A giddy cover. Leo GORCEY Re ecology. Or coy glee. Barbara GORDON Nor brag abroad. Grab a barndoor. C. Henry GORDON Hydrogen corn. Don GORDON Nor dog nod. Eve GORDON Never good. Good nerve. Never do go. Gale GORDON No large dog Angel or god. Glad or gone. Gavin GORDON No raving dog. James GORDON Jargon modes. Majored song. On dream jogs. Keith GORDON Good thinker. Knight rodeo. Got kind hero. Leo GORDON Good loner. Drool gone. No dog role. Ogle donor. No old ogre Long rodeo. Lucy GORDON Drug colony. Condor ugly. No curly dog. Mary GORDON Random orgy. Marry no dog. Or dry mango. Maud Turner GORDON Argued rotund norm. Undergo darn tumor. Nor matured ground. Phyllis GORDON Posh lord lying. Long dry polish. Holy old spring. Roy GORDON Donor orgy. Ruth GORDON Nor drought. Nor hot drug. Zachary GORDON Dozy hag rancor. Hardy goon czar. Joseph GORDON-LEVITT Potent jig holdovers. Jethro loved posting. Christopher GORHAM Cheap horrors might. Orchestra romp high. Cherish hot program. Marius GORING Amusing rigor. Urging Maoris. Our grim gains. Burn GORMAN UN grab norm. Charles GORMAN Normal charges. Nag charm loser. Moral changers. Cliff GORMAN Confirm flag. Cling off arm. Calm griffon. Lisa GORNICK Liking orcas. Organic silk. Lack origins. Socking liar. Risking coal. I align rocks. Frank GORSHIN Nor shirk fang. Horn irks fangs. Marjoe GORTNER Remoter jargon. No major regret. More errant jog. Ryan GOSLING No grisly nag. Snog any girl. No sly raging. Luke GOSS Ego sulks. Louis GOSSETT, Jr. Urologist's jest. Just Tiger's solo. Lost jurist's ego. Walter GOTELL Got well later. Tall tower leg. Got well alert. Michael GOTHARD Charmed goliath. Hated macho girl. Hide glamor chat. The mad oligarch. A chroma delight. Detach grim halo. Gilbert GOTTFRIED Bigot girl fretted. Logged bitter rift. Forget bid glitter. Jetta GOUDAL A total judge. Due total jag. Adjugate lot. Michael GOUGH Huh, mega logic. Glue-high coma. Hog huge claim. Alexander GOULD All axe underdog. Guarded all oxen. All exuded groan. Dominic GOULD Coding moduli. Elliott GOULD Toll guilt ode. Harold GOULD Rough old lad. Our glad hold. Dollar dough. William GOULD Glum idol wail. Robert GOULET Truer bootleg. Rogue bottler. Or get trouble. Got brute role. Go tutor rebel. Got our treble. Olivier GOURMET Gloomier virtue. Or uglier motive. Our emotive girl. Lucas GRABEEL Algebra clues. Scalable urge. Rescuable lag. Clears a bulge. Garbles a clue. Clears beluga. Betty GRABLE Getty rabble. Gabby letter. By better gal. April GRACE A clear grip. A girl caper. Larger pica. Maggie GRACE Reggae magic. Egg a grimace. Nickolas GRACE Angelic croaks. Crack gasoline. Soaring cackle. A cockier slang. Lacking a score. No garlic cakes. Topher GRACE Get reproach. Arch protege. Greet carhop. Charge or pet. Regret a chop. Got preacher. Elizabeth GRACEN Agreeable chintz. Change lazier bet. Cheer giant blaze. Celebrating haze. The angelic zebra. Zanier batch glee. Sancho GRACIA A chronic saga. Sharing cacao. A roach casing. David GRAF Gravid fad. Todd GRAFF Fat FDR dog. Wilton GRAFF Off trawling. Graft inflow. Flowing raft. Aimee GRAHAM Eager ham aim. Ahem, a mirage. A harem image. Currie GRAHAM Armchair urge. I charm arguer. Rich grum area. Gerrit GRAHAM Rag grim hater. Trigger a harm. Heather GRAHAM Hah, rather game. Lauren GRAHAM A larger human. A hunger alarm. Hurl a manager. Stephen GRAHAM Hampers the nag. Men hate graphs. Then game sharp. Gloria GRAHAME Gag amoral heir. A Maori haggler. Mohair gear gal. Holliday GRAINGER Ordinarily haggle. Hide angry gorilla. Glaring holidayer. Kelsey GRAMMER Make sly merger. Marry sleek gem. Mask merry glee. Albert GRAN Grable rant. Rental grab. Learnt brag. Alexander GRANACH Relaxed hangar can. Omari GRANDBERRY Bar ordinary germ. Dreary Rambo grin. Marry daring bore. Daring Barrymore. Remarrying broad. Ethel GRANDIN Healing trend. Align the nerd. Learned thing. Francis J. GRANDON Jargon finds narc. Adorning NJ scarf. Incan fjords rang. Farley GRANGER Naggy referral. Large angry ref. Refer angry gal. Philip GRANGER Graphing peril. Grappling heir. Stewart GRANGER Grew strange rat. Get stranger war. Beth GRANT Grab tenth. Gnat berth, Cary GRANT Rang at cry. Angry cart. Carry gnat. Clare GRANT Cartel rang. Central rag. David Marshall GRANT Drag vital marshland. Gallant Harvard dims. Vagrants hid mallard. Hugh GRANT Hag RN thug. Kathryn GRANT Rang thank try. Lawrence GRANT Enact wrangler. Warn rectangle. Clear new grant. Lee GRANT Lent rage. Large net. Enter lag. Richard E. GRANT Trading her car. Harder tracing. Daring charter. Rodney A. GRANT Notary danger. Not angry, dear. Read to granny. And try orange. An ardent gyro. Dynatron gear. Valentine GRANT Ran given talent. Lenient vagrant. Graven in talent. Bonita GRANVILLE Lovable training. Inviolable grant. Voting ballerina. No tangible rival. Brat living alone. No livable rating. Charley GRAPEWIN Cheap lawyer grin. Richly eager pawn. We preach angrily. Peter GRAVES Preserve tag. Age perverts. Rupert GRAVES Purer TV rages. Spur VA regret. Spare TV urger. Taylor GRAVES Savor greatly. Very star goal. Or try salvage. Billy GRAY Ally by rig. Bruce GRAY Bury grace. Urge by car Rugby race. Charles GRAY A sly charger. Her scary gal. Real hags cry. Coleen GRAY Coal energy. Agency role. Eagerly con. Erin GRAY Grey rain. Rye grain. Ring year. Gilda GRAY Drily ga-ga. Gaily drag. Aridly gag. Lawrence GRAY Wager larceny. Weary clanger. Any large crew. Linda GRAY Dial angry. Rang daily. Aridly nag. Macy GRAY A racy gym. Sally GRAY Slyly a rag. Spalding GRAY Gasp daringly. Spiny laggard. Grading plays. Slay grand pig. And grisly gap. Grasping lady. Joseph GRAYBILL Jolly big phrase. Eh, Playgirl jobs. Largely hip jobs. Devon GRAYE Nerd voyage. Do envy rage. Gave yonder. Ari GRAYNOR Or angry air. A yarn rigor. Grainy roar. Kathryn GRAYSON OK trashy granny. Thanks gory yarn. Short angry yank. Alice GRECZYN Graze in cycle. Nice crazy gel. Evelyn GREELEY Envy leery glee. Yell ye revenge. Anthony GREEN The one granny. Then angry one. Hang one entry. Brian Austin GREEN Unerring absentia. Genuine star brain. Urges an inebriant. Eva GREEN A revenge. Never age. Even rage. Janet-Laine GREEN An inelegant jeer. Jeer innate angel. Nigel GREEN Gel in genre. Ne'er niggle. Robson GREEN Or genre snob. Seth GREEN Sheer gent. Egret hens. Tom GREEN Merge not. Tenor gem. Note germ. Bryan GREENBERG Berry genre bang. Ashley GREENE Her angel eyes. Any sheer glee. Her sane elegy. Graham GREENE Anger mere hag. Lorne GREENE Renege loner. No reel genre. Michael GREENE Hail emergence. Reaching melee. Mega cheer line. Michele GREENE Cheering melee. Mere glee niche. Peter GREENE Renege per E.T. Richard GREENE Grace hinderer. Her nice regard. I recharge nerd. Kate GREENHOUSE Hate keen rogues. Erase huge token. Sue another geek. Mace GREENLEAF Mere angel-face. Feel anger came. Face lame genre. Brad GREENQUIST Brigand request. Debarring quest. Grabs quiet nerd. Sydney GREENSTREET Deny energy testers. Testy energy sender. Bruce GREENWOOD Been rogue crowd. Be cue wrongdoer. Charlotte GREENWOOD Locate the wrongdoer. Whole contorted rage. Adore clown together. Winifred GREENWOOD Weird winner goofed. Define grown weirdo. Owed fine rewording. Joan GREENWOOD Wooden jar gone. Dabbs GREER Breed brags. Regard ebbs. Jane GREER Jeer anger. Judy GREER Jury greed. Everley GREGG Grey gel verge. Virginia GREGG Giving rare gig. Pascal GREGGORY A scraggly grope. Copy larger gags. Rose GREGORIO Orgies or gore? Or soggier roe. Andre GREGORY Angry red ogre. Gory gardener. James GREGORY Gas merger joy. Leo GREGORY Or gory glee. John GREGSON Honor NJ eggs. Robert GREIG Bigger retro. Or big regret. Get big error. Kim GREIST I get smirk. Grim tikes. Joyce GRENFELL NJ fleece glory. Adrian GRENIER Rendering aria. In rare reading. An angrier ride. Grinder in area. Arid inner rage. Zach GRENIER Enrich gazer. Czar reign, eh? Haze cringer Macha GRENON Change a norm. No mega ranch. Hang romance. Googy GRESS Soggy ogres. Joel GRETSCH Her jets clog. Gloria GREY A girly ogre. Larger yogi. Or early gig. Jennifer GREY Fiery NJ genre. Joel GREY Leery jog. Nan GREY Anger NY. NY range. Rang Yen. Olga GREY Gargoyle. Glory age. Royal egg. Shirley GREY Girly heresy. Her girly yes. Virginia GREY Give rainy rig. Airy grieving. Zena GREY Gazer yen. Michael GREYEYES Each elegy misery. I'm eagerly cheesy. My elegiac heresy. Eddie GRIBBON Dire big-boned. Bide big drone. Deride gibbon. Richard GRIECO Aid rich grocer. Helmut GRIEM The glum mire. Met glum heir. Trim huge elm. Might lure me. The grim mule. David Alan GRIER Dreaded a rival. Grander Vidalia. A varied darling. Pam GRIER Prim rage. Ream grip. Mar gripe. Rosie GRIER Siege error. See ER rigor. Gorier seer. Jon GRIES Norse jig. NJ orgies. Joe GRIFASI Fairies jog. So Fiji gear. Eddie GRIFFIN Define frigid. Defied firing. Fine dried fig. Kathy GRIFFIN Harking fifty. Yank if fright. FYI far knight. Andy GRIFFITH Dinghy tariff. Right and iffy. Hiding fry fat. Had fit frying. Hid iffy grant. Nifty FHA grid. Corinne GRIFFITH Retiring chiffon. Nicer fright info. Fit for enriching. Gattlin GRIFFITH Flirt at fighting. A flitting fright. Fit grating filth. Gordon GRIFFITH Doing for fright. Rod for fighting. Frodo frighting. Hugh GRIFFITH Fur fight high. Gruff high hit. Kenneth GRIFFITH Then knife fright. Think fifth green. Fighter then fink. Melanie GRIFFITH Filing their fame. Firing male thief. If nightmare life. Raymond GRIFFITH Afford rhyming it. Drifting from hay. Night from Friday. Thomas Ian GRIFFITH Sharing faith motif. Affirming this oath. His Mafia fortnight. Hating stiff mohair. Shinto graffiti ham. Fifth animator sigh. Tracy GRIFFITH Right if crafty. Rachel GRIFFITHS Fresh cigar filth. Flight's rich fare. Fears filch right. Richard GRIFFITHS Arch frigid shrift. Drift fish rich gar. Frank GRILLO Folk girl ran. Rang for kill. Scott GRIMES Its germ cost. Rupert GRINT Trip grunter. George GRIZZARD Zigzagged error. Razzed groggier. Charles GRODIN Horrid glances. Harder closing. Nerd oligarchs. David GROH Diva Dr. hog. Hog avid Dr. Herbert GRONEMEYER Mere energy, brother. Nor thereby remerge. Sam GROOM Roam smog. Orgasm MO. Arye GROSS Sorry ages. Rosy rages. Grass yore. Lance GROSS Censors lag. Long caress. Slang score. Snag closer. Clanger SOS. Scan oglers. Mary GROSS Or my grass. Sorry mags. Michael GROSS Oligarch mess. Reclaims hogs. Crash slim ego. Logic smasher. Mega rich loss. Calms his ogre. Paul GROSS Grasp soul. Pour glass. Spur goals. Deborah GROVER Her drab groove. Braver hero dog. Do abhor verger. Gary GRUBBS Grabs rugby. Baggy burrs. Grubby rags. Ioan GRUFFUDD If found, guard. Fungi do fraud. Olivier GRUNER No uglier river. Nor virile urge. Harry GUARDINO Our hardy grain. Hurry radio nag. Guy or harridan. Matthew Grey GUBLER Whereby glum target. Vincent GUASTAFERRO Favoring utterances. Vaunting forecaster. Grievances of truant. True overacting fans. Venturing a forecast. Governs true fanatic. Arousing fervent act. Recant ravenous gift. Stun overacting fear. Christopher GUEST Script see-through. This rough respect. Right, hero suspect. Lance GUEST Cute angles. Neglect USA. Select a gun. Cleanse gut. A glue scent. Tuscan glee. Nicholas GUEST Cheating souls. Consult geisha. Ghost lunacies. Carla GUGINO Align cougar. Garlic guano. An ocular gig. Noel GUGLIELMI Mile-long guile. Mulling ego lie. Glum legion lie. Paul GUILFOYLE A guileful ploy. Robert GUILLAUME I'm tolerable guru. More brutal guile. Our rebuilt gleam. Sophie GUILLEMIN Million huge pies. Lone impish guile. Hog lupine simile. Sienna GUILLORY Ingenious rally. Rousingly alien. Ruin lionly sage. In grey allusion. On ugly airlines. Silly union rage. Role is ungainly. Only genius liar. Or sanguine lily. Texas GUINAN A tax ensuing. A neat sixgun. Sanguine tax. Tim GUINEE I unite gem. Ignite emu. Alec GUINNESS Cleans genius. Nun's legacies. Unease clings. Tom GUIRY I'm yogurt. My outrig. Moity rug. David GULPILIL Paid dull vigil. Livid guild pal. Julianna GULL Annual jug ill. Dorothy GULLIVER Hold virtue glory. Horridly gut love. Rightly overloud. Got hourly drivel. Holdover liturgy. Groovy thrill due. Mamie GUMMER I'm meager, mum. Mummer image. Devon GUMMERSALL Seldom vulgar men. Mulled mangroves. Ungloved slammer. Janet GUNN Neat NJ gun. NJ nun gate. Moses GUNN No gun mess. Song menus. Gunmen SOS. Bob GUNTON Bonbon gut. Bongo bunt. Annabelle GURWITCH Unchangeable twirl. Lunching tableware. Brutal when angelic. Challenge urban wit. Change war bulletin. Watch alien bungler. Steve GUTTENBERG TV genus begetter. Ronald GUTTMAN No glad tantrum. Damn alto grunt. Rat told gunman. Bertil GUVE Get evil rub. Rivet bulge. Give butler. Jasmine GUY Any emu jigs? Jay using me. Luis GUZMAN Zulu gamins. Edmund GWENN New dung mend. Jack GWILLIM Milk jig claw. Anne GWYNNE e.g. new nanny. Michael C. GWYNNE Chew menacingly. Cyclamen hewing. Jake GYLLENHAAL Heal jangly leak. Maggie GYLLENHAAL Legally hang image. Kim GYNGELL My gig knell. Greta GYNT Gentry tag. Try ant egg. Egg tyrant.