With episodes featuring, for example, two Film School teams competing head-to-head for scholarships, an•ACT•agram DROPOUT™ is designed to be a challenging, highly enjoyable, proprietary Game Show based on resolving anactagrams - using anagrams of actor/actress names along with movie clues.
Questions will vary in difficulty based on the decade of the movie clue given with each question and the style of question varies as the rounds progress during the show. As with any successful game show, there will always be an element of risk and reward with each question. A wrong answer labels a player a DROPOUT which restricts which future rounds they can play in but the show format also allows for later redemption, unless the player becomes an unredeemed DROPOUT twice.
In addition to the varying element of difficulty of questions, the show is designed to be varied in style and pace, with multiple rounds, where each round is always centered on using one or more anactagrams as the basis.
The reward for playing is, for example, scholarship monies for each player and the team, dependent on both individual and team answers, both right and wrong.
PowerPoint presentation of the concept is available to qualified parties following execution of a Non-Disclosure Agreement, the show formats having already been copyright registered with the Library of Congress.