What if the tables were turned and you were presented with the Anactagram but not the name of the actor/actress? How would you go about finding the name? The question is a good one because the real purpose of this website is not just to give you an extensive list of Anactagrams but to introduce you to the myriad number of ways Anactagrams can feature in puzzles, books, game shows, etc. Here is the Anactagram universal solution method:
Take an Anactagram such as "Bank Novice" and place each of the letters, accounting for every letter, including duplicates, in a random circle, keeping the vowels spread apart as much as possible.The graphic to the right is one example of what "Bank Novice" looks like using that procedure. Next, as your eyes look at the graphic, you should deliberately start looking across the circle in random patterns, both across and up-and-down. What you should then find is that letters start naturally linking together to form the actor/actress name.
If that does not work, and you have been given the movie name, look up the cast list* online. Look for likely candidates with a good starting point being those actors/actresses in that movie who have the same number of letters in their name as there are letters in the Anactagram. Or look for the more odd letters, like the "V" in Bank Novice. Then take those qualified names and start crossing out letters in your graphic corresponding to those in the actor/actress name in the cast list.
* if you are playing the Daily Challenge, that day's email contains a cast shortlist that includes the relevant actor names for the Screen Test puzzle and shows the initial letters for both first and last names of the actor in the Audition puzzle.
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Note: the answer to the Anactagram "Bank Novice" is the actor "Kevin Bacon"