James CAAN Jams an ace. Scott CAAN Can't coast. As contact. So can't act. Christy CABANNE Earn chancy bits. Has cynic banter. Trenchancy bias. Bruce CABOT Cure bobcat. Christina CABOT Narcotics habit. Acrobatic hints. Static bronchia. Chi abstraction. Taoistic branch. No satiric batch. Obtain scar itch. His intact cobra. Anarchistic bot. Sebastian CABOT Ciao, absent bats. Boasts a cabinet. Basic neat boats. Boat cabin asset. Abbot ices Satan. Beat satanic sob. Susan CABOT A cast bonus. As cat bonus. Bans a scout. Sid CAESAR Crass idea. Sad as rice. Cars aside. As sidecar. Raids aces. Jean CAFFEINE Face fine Jane. He CAIFEI Fie, I ache. i.e., a chief Anthony CALF Halt no fancy. Only fan chat. Nicolas CAGE Laconic sage. Nice coal gas. A scenic goal. James CAGNEY My seance jag. Lily CAHILL Hilly lilac. Ya, chill ill. I chill ally. Marie CAHILL Hail miracle. I'm chill area. Hi, real claim. Dean CAIN Inane cad. IA can end. Michael CAINE Ah, cinema lice! Anime chalice. Mean chili ace. Thomas CALABRO Abhor alto scam. Acrobat shalom. Paul CALDERON Loud parlance. Unload parcel. Land real coup. Don CALFA Focal DNA. A cold fan. And focal. Louis CALHERN Linear slouch. Hullo carnies. Oh, cruel snail. A lion lurches. Soil launcher. Real icon lush. Or launches lies. Sell our china. Alice CALHOUN I conceal haul. Null choice AA. Nucleic aloha. Monica CALHOUN Couch no animal. A noncomic haul. Oh, annual comic. Rory CALHOUN Holy rancour. Hourly acorn. Hurry, no coal. A curly honor. Natasha CALIS A satanic lash. Hails canasta. James CALLAHAN Jam shale canal. Michael CALLAN All mechanical. An all-male chic. Achillean clam. Joseph CALLEIA Chose jail plea. Chop jail lease. Bryan CALLEN Cranny label. Cannery ball. Cleanly bran. Sarah Wayne CALLIES Allay weariness ache. Whale care analysis. Always search alien. Always has reliance. Cranial whale essay. Simon CALLOW Somali clown. Slow on claim. No local swim. Oilman scowl. Ill cows moan. Vanessa Bell CALLOWAY Solely new balaclavas. Lowly saleable canvas. Catherine CALVERT Reverential catch. Evil threat cancer. Recant vital cheer. Rival recent cheat. Alert chic veteran. Retain clever chat. Phyllis CALVERT Helps lyrical TV. Chill spy travel. Hall crypt evils. John CALVIN Nil NJ havoc. Oval NJ chin. Mark CAMACHO Mock AA charm. Javier CAMARA Jam era caviar. Area vicar jam. Christian CAMARGO Charismatic groan. Magic or anarchist? Acting or charisma? A matriarchic song. No tragic archaism. So tragic chairman. Valentine CAMAX Tax venal cinema. Man vacant exile. Taximan enclave. Godfrey CAMBRIDGE Embrace giddy frog. Edgy from birdcage. Fiery DC beggardom. Cody CAMERON No democracy. Accord money. Acronym card. Decry no coma. Coy con dream. My cocoa nerd. Rod CAMERON Mad coroner. Macro drone. Roman decor. Colleen CAMP Compel Lance. Hamilton CAMP Compliant ham. Macho implant. Phantom claim. Joseph CAMPANELLA John's camel appeal. Pajama cell phones. Adam CAMPBELL Becalm mad pal. Camp bald male. Billy CAMPBELL Climb, play bell. Bruce CAMPBELL Burp calm celeb. Cheryl CAMPBELL Calm belch reply. Christa CAMPBELL Peril calms batch. Calm birthplaces. Ablest charm clip. Christian CAMPBELL Baptismal clincher. Calms in birthplace. Pitch nimble rascal. Emma CAMPBELL A clamp emblem. Becalm lame MP. Julia CAMPBELL Jumpable lilac. Pica all jumble. Margaret CAMPBELL Cramp later gamble. Becalm large tramp. Trample cablegram. Michael Leydon CAMPBELL Madly melancholic plebe. Cheaply commendable ill. Limp, melancholy debacle. Naomi CAMPBELL Panel mob claim. Map noble claim. Nell CAMPBELL All PC bellmen. Neve CAMPBELL Even calm pleb. Nick CAMPBELL Clip lamb neck. Paul CAMPBELL Mappable cull. Culpable palm. Scott Michael CAMPBELL Compilable smelt catch. Match compatible cells. Complicate batch smell. Tisha CAMPBELL Matchable lisp. Becalm this pal. Ape halts climb. William CAMPBELL Impala climb well. Frank CAMPEAU Punk came afar. Fun karma pace. Can freak puma. Bruno CAMPOS Coronas bump. Ban poor scum. Ron CANADA And an orca. No car, nada. Gianna Maria CANALE Near maniacal again. Gain carnal anaemia. Clean Niagara mania. Bobby CANAVALE Vocal baby bean. Guillaume CANET Emulating a clue. Cute, genial alum. Mutual ice angel. Null acute image. Nautical legume. Calm league unit. Sarah CANNING Snaring a can. Dyan CANNON Can-do nanny. J.D. CANNON And NJ con. NJ don can. Jose Pablo CANTILLO Staple colonial job. Alas, poll objection. To collapsable join. Mario CANTONE Ace nominator. Camera notion. Atonic moaner. Cartoon anime. A romantic one. Into no camera. Yakima CANUTT Ta, mucky Anita. Peter CAPALDI Appeal direct. Placid repeat. Applied trace. Adept replica. Reapplied act. Cited apparel. Placate pride. A decrepit pal. Repel paid act. Ben CAPLAN Can be plan. Lizzy CAPLAN Zany ZIP call. John CAPODICE Chop jade icon. Lino CAPOLICCHIO Chic colonial poi. Cool ionic caliph. June CAPRICE Cajun recipe. Nice puce jar. Juice per can. Jessica CAPSHAW Aspic's jaw aches. Kate CAPSHAW Tap weak cash. Weak as patch. Eat, wash, pack. CAPUCINE Cue panic. A nice cup. Irene CARA Arcane ire. A nicer era. Nicer area. Gina CARANO Niagara con. Arian conga. Again no car. Antony CARBONE Can't annoy bore. Yob cannot earn. By ornate canon. Nestor CARBONELL Central snob role. Bean controllers. Alter noble scorn. Linda CARDELLINI Lined cranial lid. All raid inclined. Alien rancid dill. Ben CARDINAL Dinner cabal. A blind crane. A nicer bland. Tantoo CARDINAL Can't do rational. And attain color. Total Draconian. Radiant coolant. Location and art. Not radiant coal. Claudia CARDINALE Ideal Inca Dracula. Laid Arcadian clue. Circadian dial clue. Manolo CARDONA An old macaroon. Steve CARELL Least clever. Trace levels. Elves cartel. James CAREW Macaws jeer. We jam races. Ora CAREW A core war. Or war ace. A rare cow. Edwin CAREWE We cried anew. Nice weed war. Crew new idea. Rita CAREWE Wearier act. Erratic awe. A career wit. Clare CAREY A rare cycle. Clearer cay. Lacy career. Drew CAREY Decry wear. Wary creed. We cry, dear. Harry CAREY Jr. Jarry archery. Harry CAREY Sr. Cherry arrays. Rays carry her. Helen CAREY Hey, cleaner. Cheery lane. MacDonald CAREY Land a democracy. Accord man delay. Moldy arcane cad. Maria CAREY Creamy aria. Airy camera. Aramaic rye. Matthew CAREY My weather act. Cheat wry mate. Ace water myth. Michele CAREY Came cheerily. Eye rich camel. Each mercy lie. Olive CAREY Early voice. Vocal eyrie. Coy era veil. Phil CAREY Lyric heap. Her icy pal. A rich yelp. Timothy CAREY The city mayor. Meaty or itchy? My hairy octet. Timothy CARHART Mar itchy throat. Match hot rarity. Harm chatty trio. Gia CARIDES I said grace. Dicier saga. A rigid case. Cigar aside. Leo CARILLO Or local lie. A cooler ill. Oriole call. Len CARIOU On cue liar. A cruel ion. Oi, an ulcer. Richard CARLE Carried larch. Clad rich rear. Rich lad carer. George CARLIN Raging creole. Clearer going. Genial grocer. Mary CARLISLE Lyrical smear. Racism? Really! My clear liars. Recalls my air. Carries my all. Sir may recall. Amy CARLSON Loans my car. Amoral sync. As normalcy. Karen CARLSON Ransack loner. Reckon a snarl. Ran no slacker. Kelly CARLSON A sly neckroll. Lack sly loner. Slackly enrol. Richard CARLSON Horrid clan scar. Scorch darn liar. Rich rancor, lads. Hope Marie CARLTON Proclamation here. Hamper relocation. A microphone alert. Or hate complainer. Pale romantic hero. Compliant hero era. Robert CARLYLE Roll-by caterer. Chris CARMACK A crack smirch. Chic scar mark. Roger C. CARMEL Calmer grocer. Jewel CARMEN Were NJ camel. Jeer new calm. Jam new creel. Julie CARMEN June miracle. Injure camel. Reclaim June. Jean CARMET A reject man. Eject an arm. A recent jam. Hoagy CARMICHAEL Archaic holy game. Macho hair legacy. Yeah, macho garlic! Ian CARMICHAEL Mechanical air. A criminal ache. Each manic liar. Laura CARMICHAEL Acclaim rare haul. Arch malaria clue. Her aural acclaim. Primo CARNERA A prime rancor. Maori prancer. Panic armorer. Art CARNEY Neat carry. Arcane try. Any crater. Morris CARNOVSKY Marks ivory scorn. Martine CAROL Real romantic. Manlier actor. Manic realtor. Marital crone. Animal rector. Racial mentor. A nicer mortal. Recant or mail. Or retain calm. Sue CAROL Carousel. A closure. Oral cues. Leslie CARON Role is clean. So clear line. Relic on sale. Charisma CARPENTER Patriarch menacers. Rare miscreant chap. Mere anarchic parts. Cine charmers apart. Star creep chairman. Saccharin tamperer. Horace CARPENTER Reopen character. A chance reporter. Once rare chapter. A recent reproach. Catch rare opener. Chaperone tracer. Jack CARPENTER Can reject park. Can't jerk caper. Jeanne CARPENTER Jeer race pennant. Jeep ran entrance. Jennifer CARPENTER Nearer perfect jinn. NJ train preference. John CARPENTER NJ cheaper. Mary CARR Arm carry. David CARRADINE Varied and acrid. John CARRADINE A hardcore jinn. Reach in Jordan. Keith CARRADINE Decent harakiri. Aid the crankier. Rich, irate, naked. Robert CARRADINE Rare inbred actor. Record brain rate. Rare director ban. Isabelle CARRE Reliable scare. Liable careers. Ale is cerebral. Tia CARRERE Cartier era. Irate racer. IRA caterer. Jim CARREY Jam ire cry. Matthieu CARRIERE Their true America. Mere irate haircut. Ahem, true criteria. Elpidia CARRILLO Radical oil peril. Old prairie lilac. Leo CARRILLO Cool rallier. Roll calorie. Regina CARROL Coral earring. Ran rare logic. Angrier carol. Diahann CARROLL Hard, carnal lion. Leo G. CARROLL Collar ogler. Log or recall. Recolor gall. Kevin CARROLL Rink coverall. No viral clerk. Or craven kill. Madeleine CARROLL Angrier carol. Real medical loner. Clearer medallion. Madeline CARROLL Menace droll liar. Learn old miracle. Recall minor lead. All remain colder. Admire clean roll. Real manlier clod. Nancy CARROLL Call NY rancor. Collar cranny. Nary call corn. John CARROLL Roll NJ roach. William CARROLL Lacrimal or will. Helen CARRUTHERS Her lush recanter. Recent harsh rule. Her cures enthral. Jack CARSON Joan cracks. Silas CARSON Assail scorn. Cross lianas. Margit CARSTENSEN Semantic stranger. Strange miscreant. Menacing starters. Streaming trances. Entering star scam. Nice master grants. Alex CARTER Extra clear. Cat relaxer. LAX caterer. Harry CARTER Carry her art. Tarry her arc. Rather carry. Jack CARTER Cart jacker. Janis CARTER Jar nice star. Jim CARTER Metric jar. Erratic MJ. Joelle CARTER Jell-o caterer. Call to jeerer. All reject roe. Leslie CARTER Reselect liar. Relic stealer. Retiree calls. Lynda CARTER Central yard. Ardently arc. Drat larceny. Michael CARTER Catchier realm. Reclaim the car. Her miracle act. I charm treacle. Catch mere liar. March elite arc. Nell CARTER Rent cellar. Cell ranter. Call renter. Sarah CARTER Crash errata. Rather a scar. Chart as rare. T.K. CARTER Cart trek. Katrin CARTLIDGE Liked tragic rant. Ticket grand liar. Alter tragic kind. Veronica CARTWRIGHT Craving worthier act. Thrown critic ravage. Cancer growth trivia. Lisa Marie CARUK UK racialism era. A limerick's aura. Silkier cam aura. Anthony CARUSO Oust on anarchy. Yucatan honors. Cry out "Hosanna." David CARUSO Avoid as crud. Void USA card. Odd USA vicar. Kathryn CARVER Very rank chart. Harken TV carry. Rank TV archery. Louise CARVER Surreal voice. Saucier lover. Our evil scare. Suave or relic. Reveal curios. Curse via role. Dana CARVEY Any cadaver. A navy cadre. Vary a dance. A craven day. A candy rave. Very Canada. Diana Serra CARY Arcane disarray. Raid scary arena. Scan dreary aria. Amira CASAR Air maracas. Maria CASARES Massacre aria. Raise mascara. Maracas arise. Salvatore CASCIO A coarse vocalist. Social actor save. Vocalise as actor. Alas, voice actors. Solo avarice acts. Chiara CASELLI Archaic allies. A liar's chalice. Real chic alias. Bernie CASEY A sincere bye. Yes, nice bear. Eye nice bars. Rosalind CASH No rich salads. Roach islands. Sardonic lash. Choir sandals. Danish carols. Arachnid loss. Lads on chairs. Rancid shoals. An idol's crash. Philip CASNOFF Spinach off lip.. Fish panic flop. John CASSAVETES Chose vast jeans. Jove chases ants. Nick CASSAVETES Envies sack cast. Sickness caveat. Sneaks vice acts. Jean-Pierre CASSEL Earns special jeer. Replies scare Jane. Seymour CASSEL Measly sources. A messy closure. More classy use. May secure loss. Cars seem lousy. Yum, casseroles. Vincent CASSEL Livens accents. Can license TVs. Can't cleve sins. Wally CASSELL Clawless ally. Scylla as well. Gabriel CASSEUS Classier sea bug. Age's cruel basis. Uses agile crabs. Edward CASSIDY Days we discard. Screwy, said Dad. Discarded ways. Elaine CASSIDY Cease daily sin. Nice ladies, say. Nice daisy sale. Joanna CASSIDY Canadians' joys. Joins NCAA days. Katie CASSIDY A sadistic key. A sticky aside. Tacky daisies. Patrick CASSIDY A scary dipstick. Stick sad piracy. Sapidity cracks. Raquel CASSIDY Sadly acquires. Quasi sacredly. Acquired as sly. Yes, squalid car. Decry as quails. Squeals aid cry. Ted CASSIDY Ecstasy did. Steady disc. Yes, addicts. Kyle CASSIE Sickly ease. Eye is slack. As key slice. Claudio CASSINELLI Include social ails. Cedilla is unsocial. In suicidal locales. Dolores CASSINELLI Consoles idle liars. Solid closer aliens. Is recessional doll. John CASSINI Joins chains. Jean-Pierre CASTALDI Jailed artisan creep. Patrician leads jeer. Reject said airplane. Retained special jar. Repair adjacent isle. Dan CASTELLANETA Ascendant ate all. Called Satan neat. Cleansed Atlanta. Richard S. CASTELLANO Rhetorical scandals. Cross idle charlatan. Real cold anarchists. Scandals alert choir. Nor classical hatred. Darn sarcastic hello. Sergio CASTELLITTO Tolerate logistics. Titillates Scrooge. Got classier toilet. Artistic steel logo. Taller, so egotistic. Glitter so societal. Keisha CASTLE-HUGHES Has cheekiest laughs. Barbara CASTLETON Stab banal creator. Able acrobats rant. Cantatas or rabble. Phoebe CATES Bet each pose. Ape best echo. Obese hepcat. Emma CATHERWOOD Raw cameo method. Me, a doomwatcher? Hate coward memo. Reg E. CATHEY Cagey there. Eye the crag. Her cagey E.T. Brigitte CATILLON Bigot trial client. Got illicit banter. Got intricate bill. Mary Jo CATLETT Tatter calm joy. Walter CATLETT Wattle clatter. Twee, tall tract. Kim CATTRALL Track at mill. Jessica CAUFFIEL Cafe's juices fail. Ace jail suffices. Emma CAULFIELD Fuel mad malice. Am lucid female. Made fuel claim. Maxwell CAULFIELD Well feudal climax. Kristin CAVALLARI Slick liar variant. Civilian lark star. Satiric Klan rival. Paul CAVANAGH Aha, vulcan gap. Ugh, alpaca van. A guava planch. Christine CAVANAUGH Hating such variance. Naive anarchic thugs. Can't archive anguish. Elise CAVANNA A canine slave. Can save alien. NCAA vaseline. Lumi CAVAZOS Oz cam visual. Ingrid CAVEN Diving crane. In grand vice. Rancid given. Simone CAVENS Mensa novices. Envies no scam. Icon saves men. Henry CAVILL Lively ranch. A nervy chill. Venally rich. John CAZALE NJ coal haze. Christopher CAZENOVE Chorizos prevent ache. Overshot prize chance. Oh, Czech preservation. Fulvio CECERE Force live cue. Ice floe curve. Coercive fuel. Cruel foe vice. CEDRIC the Entertainer Their indecent caterer. Internet cheater cried. Trendier, reticent ache. Pablo CEDRON No cable drop. No balder cop. Nor bold pace. Adolfo CELI Docile foal. A cool field. Oil old face. Michael CERA Chic male era. Miracle ache. Chemical era. Acclaim here. Reach malice. A clear chime. Gino CERVI Revoicing. Cine vigor. Icon giver. Valentina CERVI Ancient revival. Internal vivace. Larva incentive. Vatican livener. Recant vain evil. Invent cavalier. Alain CHABAT A canal habit. Lacey CHABERT Teachable cry. Cycle a breath. Treacly beach. Helene CHADWICK Each win heckled. Cache when liked. Knew head cliche. June CHADWICK Cajun chew kid. Chic junk awed. Hijacked UN WC. George CHAKIRIS Her sickie aggro. Irish geek cargo. Hack soggier ire. Alok CHAKRAVARTY Kraal votary hack. Kathleen CHALFANT Channel that flake. Thank fallen cheat. Feodor CHALIAPIN, Jr. Her florid japonica. Adjoin arch profile. Join hardcore pilaf. Chris CHALK Harsh click. James CHALKE Heckles a jam. Sarah CHALKE Heals chakra. Shake a larch. Ha ha, slacker. Andrew CHALMERS Heralds crewman. Newer lad charms. Drawn mere clash. Richard CHAMBERLAIN Brainchild era charm. Claim hardier branch. Brahmanic rare child. Hid anarchic rambler. Rich, balder chairman. Kevin CHAMBERLIN In vile benchmark. Riley CHAMBERLIN Rhyme brilliance. Reliably rich men. Mere brainy chill. Faune A. CHAMBERS Ambush near cafe. Bare human faces. Base human farce. Justin CHAMBERS Crumbs hit jeans. Subject in marsh. Manic brush jest. Jackie CHAN Acne hijack. Catherine CHAN The arch canine. Her inane catch. Catchier henna. An ethnic reach. Nicer than ache. Anna CHANCELLOR Channel or canal. Clean ranch loan. George CHANDLER Her golden grace. Her doggerel can. Encored haggler. Helen CHANDLER Channelled her. Her canned hell. Jeff CHANDLER NJ elder chaff. NJ chef flared. Kyle CHANDLER Dylan heckler. Lane CHANDLER Clean her land. Rehandle clan. Clean handler. Jay CHANDRASEKHAR Jay charade shrank. Amber CHANEY Reach by name. Ban ace rhyme. Anarchy be me. Lon CHANEY Hey, no clan. Honey clan. Each nylon. Lon CHANEY Jr. Only reach NJ. Clear Johnny. Lon CHANEY Sr. Holy scanner. Nylon chaser. Only ranches. Only hers can. Carol CHANNING Cloning an arch. An anchor cling. Stockard CHANNING Hand-stacking corn. And nothing cracks. Stranding Hancock. Rosalind CHAO A solid anchor. Sardonic halo. Rascal in hood. Damian CHAPA AAA mad pinch. Ben CHAPLIN Plain bench. Belch in nap. Carmen CHAPLIN Chimp can learn. Charlie CHAPLIN Hear chill panic. Charm pinnacle. Earn calm pinch. Geraldine CHAPLIN In rapid challenge. Hinder legal panic. Recalled pinhead. Hinder angelic pal. Hang allied prince. Pillage hindrance. Oona CHAPLIN No alpha icon. Audrey CHAPMAN Made up anarchy. Pay humane card. Repay human cad. Each puny drama. Recap human day. Had puny camera. Georgina CHAPMAN A champion nagger. Managing poacher. Or gaming panache. Graham CHAPMAN Charm pagan ham. Edward CHAPMAN Preach mad dawn. Pawned drachma. Warm-handed cap. Kevin CHAPMAN Cheap mink van. Lonny CHAPMAN No hymnal, cap'n. Marguerite CHAPMAN Her mature campaign. Up camera nightmare. Impart humane grace. Mature grim panache. Cheapen grim trauma. Arcane game triumph. Hear pragmatic menu. Capture a hammering. Purge tame chairman. Dave CHAPPELLE All peeved chap. Antoine CHAPPEY A phony patience. Nice open apathy. Cheapen toy pain. Patricia CHARBONNEAU Hectic urban paranoia. Abhor inaccurate pain. Anarchic utopian bear. Cyd CHARISSE Dishy scarce. Ya, chic dress. Shy cad cries. Josh CHARLES Shh, close jar. RuPaul CHARLES Usurp all reach. Purple hue scar. Ace plural rush. A clear sulphur. Lush rural cape. Ian CHARLESON Insane choral. Inshore canal. Alien anchors. Ray CHARLESON Anarchy loser. Anchors relay. A choral syren. CHARO Roach. Orach. Oh, car. Spencer CHARTERS Sharper crescent. Respects rancher. Her recent scraps. Melanie CHARTOFF The informal cafe. Harlem affection. Often chief alarm. The fair flamenco. Ornate fame filch. Chameleon tariff. Fine amoral fetch. Macho fertile fan. Comfier than flea. Charley CHASE A cheery clash. Real shy cache. Leachy search. Chevy CHASE Ah, cheesy VC. Colin CHASE Cochineals. Scenic halo. A cliche son. I clash once. No chic sale. Conceal his. Daveigh CHASE Achieved gash. Cave hides hag. Jeffrey CHASE Chef frees jay. Jessica CHASTAIN Has sciatic jeans. Soumitra CHATTERJEE True aesthetic major. Our majestic theater. Her automatic jester. Rejoice, that's mature. Astute major heretic. Reject amateur hoist. Ruth CHATTERTON Contra the truth. Can hotter truth. Nuthatch retort. Tom CHATTERTON Torment hot act. Rotten to match. Not mother tact. Justin CHATWIN In junta switch. Cajun twin hits. Anthony Wong CHAU-SANG Uncanny tango hogwash. Haughty cannon wagons. Ricardo CHAVIRA Rich caviar road. Arch radio vicar. Maury CHAYKIN Cry many haiku. Yuck, hairy man. Don CHEADLE End old ache. Had once led. Eh, clone dad. Molly CHEEK Hemlock lye. Daoming CHEN Dancing home. No mid-change. I condemn hag. Damning echo. Aching demon. Ending macho. Edison CHEN No scene hid. Niche nodes. Echo in dens. Joan CHEN No NJ ache. An echo, NJ. Ah, once NJ. Terry CHEN Rye trench. Lawrence CHENAULT Launch new treacle. Clean wet launcher. Hear accent unwell. Ekin CHENG Hinge neck. Kristin CHENOWETH This known heretic. Non-stick herewith. Shock neither twin. Nikolai CHERKASSOV Crooks vanish alike. Cosier Kalashnikov. Invoke social shark. Jonas CHERNIK Jerks no chain. Join her snack. No jerkin cash. Jake CHERRY Jerky reach. Achy jerker. A jerky Cher. George CHESEBRO Beg Scrooge here. Beseech or gorge. Echoes beg Roger. Lila CHESTER All heretics. Cease thrill. Raciest hell. Morris CHESTNUT Consumer thirst. Curses, not mirth. Instructs Homer. Ostrich sternum. Rich sons mutter. Or minus stretch. Cecilia CHEUNG Cueing a cliche. Icing each clue. Uncage chic lie. Cindy CHEUNG End cynic hug. Edgy chic nun. Chic NY nudge. Leslie CHEUNG Huge cine sell. Elegies lunch. Eh, genius cell. Maggie CHEUNG Gauche men gig. Change emu gig. Siu-Fai CHEUNG A chug unifies. If causing hue. Maurice CHEVALIER Achieve mercurial. Cure heavier claim. Ace vehicular mire. Richard CHEVOLLEAU Rule heraldic havoc. Loud archival cheer. Evil archducal hero. Dominic CHIANESE Canine homicides. Machine decision. Coincide in shame. Hide insane comic. Chaos in medicine. Has nice comedian. Nice macho inside. I had omniscience. Dim, insane choice. Sonny CHIBA Ban shy icon. Shiny bacon. Bony chains. Michael CHIKLIS His chemical ilk. Naomi CHILDERS Idle harmonics. Harm nice idols. Her dismal icon. Nomadic relish. In dismal chore. Demolish in car. Lois CHILES Chili loses. I chose ills. His cello is Tsai CHIN In his act. It's chain. Nicholas CHINLUND Aid Lincoln's hunch. Dunno, chinchillas? Annul childish con. Khan CHITTENDEN Think then dance. Think enchanted. Then enchant kid. Tony Leung CHIU-WAI Outweigh in lunacy. Ugly whine caution. Unethical wino guy. Unhygienic outlaw. You ungenial witch! Anna CHLUMSKY Unmanly hacks. John CHO NJ hooch. Margaret CHO Got a charmer. Rat echogram. Macho garret. Charlene CHOI Hear no cliche. Niche chorale. A choleric hen. Min-Sik CHOI I'm sikh coin. Justin CHON No just inch. Rae Dawn CHONG Onward change. Now grand ache. Anger cowhand. Thomas CHONG Gosh, no match. Mocha thongs. Priyanka CHOPRA Irk any approach. Park coy piranha. Colin CHOU Couch lion. Uncool chi. Jay CHOU Jay ouch. Sarita CHOUDHURY Hardy, raucous hit. Ha, auditory crush. Huh, daisy curator. Joseph CHREST Shh, corps jete. Audrey CHRISTIE Charity residue. Secure tidy hair. Her arty suicide. Gwendoline CHRISTIE Otherwise declining. Held egoistic winner. Snore with diligence. Sincere wino delight. Do resilient chewing. Lowering the indices. New diligent heroics. Hide sweltering icon. Single ethnic weirdo. Ann CHRISTY Carny hints. Nary snitch. Tinny crash. Dorothy CHRISTY Try dishy cohort. Try choosy third. Doth cry history. Emmanuelle CHRIQUI Acquire immune hell. Helm criminal queue. Much queenlier mail. Erika CHRISTENSEN Skinnier cheaters. Riskiest enhancer. Thinkers increase. Stark inherencies. Enriches a stinker. This nicer sneaker. Hayden CHRISTENSEN Heretics shed nanny. This enhanced syren. Shy snide enchanter. Jesper CHRISTENSEN He rejects spinners. Then jeers princess. Claudia CHRISTIAN Chairs aid lunatic. Chain suicidal rat. Nautical Irish cad. Shawn CHRISTIAN Harsh antics win. Wants chin hairs. Hasn't rich swain. Mady CHRISTIANS Hid nasty racism. Shiny dramatics. Trash is dynamic. Intimacy shards. Hid tiny sarcasm. Misty arachnids. I trash dynamics. And miss charity. Dismay in charts. Julie CHRISTIE Jucier list, eh? Lice hit juries. Morven CHRISTIE Thrive on crimes. This nicer mover. Nicer TV heroism. Warren CHRISTIE Wintrier search. Nice writer rash. Enrich wiser art. Writers in reach. Ethics win rarer. The carrier wins. Eric CHRISTMAS Crisis rematch. Erratic schism. It screams "rich" Miser's rich cat. Its charm cries. Rich, crass mite. Dennis CHRISTOPHER No cherished prints. Ethics hinders porn. Princes hide thorns. Shh, intrepid censor. Pinch honest riders. Hi, rich respondents. Tyler CHRISTOPHER Relish other crypt. Itchy terror helps. Sly reporter hitch. Jamie CHUNG Machine jug. Dan CHUPONG Hand cop gun. Punch and go. Thomas Haden CHURCH Monarch hushed chat. Berton CHURCHILL Chronic bell hurt. Null chic, brother.