DA BRAT Tabard. Bad art. At bard. Howard DA SILVA Draws avid halo. Lavish award do. Avoid hard laws. Hard disavowal. Had law advisor. Aha, valid words. Parvin DABAS Drab NASA VIP. Vain sap bard. Maryam D'ABO Ya, mad Rambo. Boyar madam. Am bad mayor. Olivia D'ABO Avoid a boil. A Bolivia do. Mark DACASCOS Cossack drama. Accords a mask. OK mad carcass. YaYa DaCOSTA Soya cay data. Cameron DADDO An odd comrade. Random cad ode. Once odd drama. Frances DADE Ascended far. Ended fracas. Sadden farce. Face sad nerd. Dancers fade. Darned faces. Werner DAEHN Hear new nerd. Render a when. Willem DAFOE Media fellow. Made lowlife. Nicholas D'AGOSTO Hooligans do cast. Solid chaos tango. Against school do. Lil DAGOVER Gaol drivel. Give dollar. Overall dig. Arlene DAHL And all here. Real handle. Lean herald. Mae DAHLBERG Head gambler. Harmed Gable. Had me garble. Dagmar DAHLGREN Darn mad haggler. Laggard herdman. Dan DAILEY An idle day. Add any lie. A daily end. Any laddie. Dine a lady. A dandy lie. Elizabeth DAILY Lazily behead it. Yeah, ideal blitz. Hazy, albeit idle. Nadia DAJANI AAA djinn aid. Sidney D'ALBROOK Bored solid Yank. Blinders do okay. Adore dinky slob. Cynthia DALE Halt cyanide. Can idly hate. Any idle chat. An idle yacht. An itchy deal. Litany ached. Esther DALE Three leads. He's related. The dealers. Hate elders. Rash delete. The red seal. James Badge DALE Blame jaded sage. Gale-debased jam. Jennifer DALE End final jeer. Jim DALE Idle jam. Marcel DALIO Cordial male. American doll. Radical mole. Admire local. Lacrimal ode. Docile alarm. Margaret DALE Glare at dream. Tamale grader. Made large art. Joshua DALLAS Alas, lash judo. Matt DALLAS Tall ad mast. Beatrice DALLE Eradicate bell. Radical beetle. Retail debacle. Delectable air. Reliable cadet. Albeit cleared. Ideal bracelet. A belated relic. Rate idle cable. Joe DALLESANDRO Loan jaded loser. Reload old jeans. Jane adores doll. Audrey DALTON Laudatory end. Launder today. No ready adult. Darren DALTON Old and errant. No land trader. Nor ardent lad. Dorothy DALTON Thorny old toad. Throaty old nod. Toyland hotrod. Irene DALTON Alien to nerd. Rated online. An idle tenor. Timothy DALTON Onto tidal myth. Hotly not admit. Thin lady motto. Roger DALTREY Retrogradely. Great orderly. Rarely got red. Retread glory. Retry large do. Artery lodger. Arnold DALY An odd rally. Old lady ran. No lardy lad. Timothy DALY To daily myth. Thy modality. Madly hit toy. Tyne DALY Yentl day. Lady, 'n yet. Mark DAMON Monk drama. No mad mark. Mark nomad. Matt DAMON Tot madman. Am damn tot. Muriel Frances DANA Made funnier rascal. Scare mundane flair. Remains clean fraud. Viola DANA Loan a diva. Avail a don. A vain load. Charles DANCE Cheer scandal. Candle chaser. Cleaned crash. Cleansed arch. Hugh DANCY Handy chug. Hang Duchy. Dorothy DANDRIDGE Odd or dehydrating. Traded dodgy rhino. Hoard giddy rodent. Eric DANE Nice dare. Dire acne. Ice a nerd. Karl DANE Darn lake. Rank deal. End a lark. Lawrence DANE Dance renewal. And new cereal. A newer candle. Claire DANES Sacred alien. Arsenic deal. A sincere lad. Sad reliance. Arcane slide. An idle scare. Beverly D’ANGELO Lovably reneged. Only braved glee. Ban lovely greed. Rodney DANGERFIELD Oddly fine gardener. Roaringly defended. Darned friendly ogre. Friendly aged drone. Derided angry felon. Brittany DANIEL Entail banditry. Dealt tiny brain. Alien tyrant bid. Marek DANIEL Marked alien. Rankle media. Liken a dream. I'm real naked. Man liked era. Marked a line. Henry DANIELL Had inner yell. Her lady linen. Any liner held. Anthony DANIELS And insanely hot. Aliens not handy. Loathe sad ninny. Bebe DANIELS Edible beans. Balinese bed. Bad beelines. Ben DANIELS Enabled sin. Banned lies. Senile band. Gary DANIELS Angry ideals. Gains dearly. Sly gardenia. Angel's diary. Grainy deals. And greasily. Frank DANIELS Real kind fans. Ask final nerd. Inland freaks. Jeff DANIELS Final DJ fees. Mickey DANIELS Medicinal keys. Link semidecay. Keyed in claims. Claim kind eyes. Mask nice yield. Aid slick enemy. William DANIELS Wild animal lies. Eli DANKER Liked near. Like a nerd. Are linked. Blythe DANNER The yarn blend. Sybil DANNING Badly sinning. Glib, sad ninny. By inland sign. Paul DANO Pan aloud. An upload. A loud nap. Royal DANO Lay on road. Any old oar. Only a road. Cesare DANOVA As one cadaver. Coarse Nevada. A sore advance. Ted DANSON Sadden not. An odd nest. Noted sand. Michael DANTE The cinema lad. Alien matched. Ailment ached. Metal chained. Heed claimant. Chalet maiden. Peter DANTE Penetrated. Pretend ate. Rented tape. Helmut DANTINE Entitled human. Unlamented hit. Unentitled ham. Hamlet tuned in. Hunted ailment. Ray DANTON An arty don. A dynatron. And notary. Tony DANZA A zany don't. Ingeborga DAPKOUNAITE Doubting geek paranoia. Keeping taboo guardian. Guaranteeing paid book. Opinionated UK garbage. Poking debonair gateau. Graduation pigeon bake. Patti D'ARBANVILLE Avid, blatant peril. Trivial bad planet. Adept villain brat. Kim DARBY Barmy kid. Rhys DARBY By dry rash. Alexander D’ARCY Racy and relaxed. Any relaxed card. James D'ARCY My jade cars. Roy D’ARCY Or cry day. Kieran DARCY-SMITH Matriarch's kidney. Dinky satire charm. Smear kind charity. Severn DARDEN Darned nerves. Never sad nerd. Dresden raven. Bobby DARIN No baby bird. Bid by baron. Dobby brain. Ricardo DARIN Corrida nadir. DARK CLOUD Or lack dud. Or add luck. Duck a lord. Mona DARKFEATHER Hater of mandrake. Another mad freak. Earmarked hot fan. Ida DARLING Idling RADA. Daring dial. Railing dad. Jean DARLING Djinn aglare. Jail nerd nag. A darn jingle. Linda DARLOW Lowland raid. Arid old lawn. Laid on drawl. Grace DARMOND Grand comrade. Romanced drag. Record mad nag. Jean DARNELL Learn NJ deal. All NJ earned. Learn NJ lead. Linda DARNELL And lane drill. All red inland. Vondell DARR Droll VA nerd. James DARREN Renamed jars. Marred jeans. Send rare jam. Danielle DARRIEUX Earned dual elixir. Ruined ideal relax. Frankie DARRO In freak ardor. No fairer dark. Jean-Pierre DARROUSSIN Injured prisoners area. Snare junior despairer. Injurer earns parodies. Insane perjurer's radio. Unjarred senior praise. Persona injures raider. Henry DARROW Darn wry hero. And worry her. Wry horde ran. Tony DARROW Wry tornado. No wordy art. Warty donor. Jane DARWELL New jar ladle. All jade wren. All jeer dawn. Stacey DASH Had ecstacy. Chaste days. A shady sect. Steady cash. Acted as shy. Hey, sad cast. Carrie DAUMERY Cure dreary aim. Recur amid year. Due racier army. Claude DAUPHIN Aided launch up. Paid eunuch lad. Jareb DAUPLAISE Jape abused liar. Alexa DAVALOS Solved lax AAA. Richard DAVALOS Odd cash arrival. Adds rival roach. Valid road crash. Alice DAVENPORT Plain overacted. Politer advance. A pedantic lover. Not replace diva. A contrived plea. And captive role. Dorothy DAVENPORT Tardy photo vendor. Proved thorny toad. Don't hoard poverty. Harry DAVENPORT Proven hardy rat. Had nervy parrot. Jack DAVENPORT Red van jackpot. Lucy DAVENPORT Can't duly prove. Poverty unclad. Plan devout cry. Madison DAVENPORT Damped innovators. And prove saintdom. Nerd's damp ovation. Pant over diamonds. And pardon motives. Invade random spot. Paranoid TV demons. Adopts random vein. Innovated sad romp. Milla DAVENPORT Rampant old evil. Maternal old VIP. Devil patrolman. Nigel DAVENPORT Provident angel. Novel departing. Envied long part. Prevent loading. Developing rant. Dingo prevalent. Robert DAVI Rabid voter. Braved riot. Boat driver. Tired bravo. Adroit verb. Eleanor DAVID Deadlier nova. And adore evil. No, a daredevil. Naive old dear. Leave android. Adrenal video. Keith DAVID The avid kid. Kid hated IV. Thayer DAVID Thrived a day. Hydrate diva. Vet hairy dad. Lolita DAVIDOVICH Avid diva oilcloth. Jaye DAVIDSON Enjoy sad diva. Adds naive joy. Invade sad joy. John DAVIDSON Vanish NJ dodo. Tommy DAVIDSON Doom midst navy. Mom's odd vanity. William DAVIDSON Wild animal voids. Odd swami villain. Valid dismal wino. Embeth DAVIDTZ Maze hid TV debt. Vet habited DMZ. Jeremy DAVIES Jams every die. Marion DAVIES Avoid remains. A mad revision. A dream vision. A denim savior. Vein dioramas. Varies domain. Oliver Ford DAVIES Disfavor evildoer. Revive frail dodos. Lover I disfavored. Reine DAVIES Naive desire. Inverse idea. Envies a ride. Rosemary DAVIES Remedy as savior. Someday arrives. More varied says. Rupert DAVIES Spread virtue. Treasured VIP. Arrived upset. Predate virus. Padre's virtue. Spurtive dare. Stephen DAVIES Evident phases. Pensive deaths. The passive end. Bette DAVIS Best TV idea. Saved Tibet. TB sedative. Brad DAVIS Drab divas. Avid bards. Brianne DAVIS Invades brain. Brand is naive. Bairns invade. Carole DAVIS Alas divorcee. Avoid cereals. Covered alias. Clifton DAVIS Vocalist find. Soft and civil. Livid, no facts. Dana DAVIS Avian dads. A sad divan. And as diva. DeRay DAVIS Saved diary. Days varied. Diva's ready. A sadder Ivy. A day's drive. Sea did vary. Don S. DAVIS Sand voids. Odd A-V sins. Diva's nods. Duane DAVIS USA invaded. Diva sundae. Undid a save. Essie DAVIS Aids sieves. Geena DAVIS Envied saga. Age invades. Sad, I avenge. George DAVIS Devise aggro. A dog grieves. Aggrieved so. Hope DAVIS Void phase. Jim DAVIS Is amid JV. Joan DAVIS Join sad VA. Avoid as NJ. Adjoin vas. Judy DAVIS Add Ivy jus. Kristin DAVIS Visits in dark. Stirs vain kid. Skirt avid sin. Lew DAVIS Slew diva. Wild save. Was devil. Lucy DAVIS Sly UV acid. Mac DAVIS Diva scam. Cam divas. Avid cams. Mary DAVIS Army divas. Ivy dramas. Maids vary. Matthew DAVIS Ashamed TV wit. Have dim watts. Save mat width. Mildred DAVIS Middler divas. Add slim drive. Dim sad drivel. Ossie DAVIS Oasis dives. Philip DAVIS Dial VIP ship. Sammi DAVIS Maims divas. Sammy DAVIS Jr. Smarmy JV aids. Stringer DAVIS Grander visits. Disserving art. Rising adverts. Viola DAVIS Avoids vial. Virginia DAVIS Rising via diva. A vivid arising. Viveka DAVIS Vivid ka save. Warwick DAVIS Wicks raw diva. William B. DAVIS Valid bail swim. Bruce DAVISON Absurd novice. Uncovers a bid. No absurd vice. Peter DAVISON Deviant poser. Adept version. Adverse point. Prove instead. Taped version. Drops naivete. Envied pastor. Overspent aid. A sportive end. Ken DAVITIAN A kind native. A deviant kin. Andrew DAVOLI Weirdo vandal. A valid wonder. Onward a devil. Now dead rival. Won valid dare. Darn video law. Serge DAVRI Revise drag. Adverse rig. Sad griever. Drives rage. Gear drives. Marjorie DAW A weird major. Wear major ID. A rowdier jam. Pam DAWBER Warmed bap. A damp brew. Be raw damp. Hazel DAWN NZ law head. Hazed lawn. Anthony DAWSON And nasty nohow. To shadow nanny. Doris DAWSON Sordid as now. Drains woods. Disowns road. Richard DAWSON Drawn sad choir. His darn coward. Has rancid word. Rosario DAWSON Radio wars soon. Alice DAY Ace daily. Lacy aide. Ideal cay. Charlie DAY Daily reach. A hydra lice. A rich delay. Hey, radical. Ah, ideal cry. Doris DAY Or did, say. Daisy rod. Laraine DAY Lady in area. An aerly aid. A linear day. Daily arena. A yard alien. Early naiad. Marceline DAY Enemy radical. Maidenly care. Manlier decay. Media larceny. An ideal mercy. Daily menacer. Shannon DAY Hands annoy. So had nanny. Any non dash. Daniel DAY-LEWIS Wildly sane idea. Delay ladies' win. Needily sad wail. Joaquim DE ALMEIDA Odalique media jam. Isaach DE BANKOLE Ideal bacon shake. So bleak hacienda. Abide nasal choke. Brenda DE BANZIE Abide brazen den. Daze inbred bane. Nikki DE BOER Irked on bike. Nigel DE BRULIER Leering builder. Yvonne DE CARLO Novel deaconry. Envy canoodler. Crayoned novel. Pedro DE CORDOBA Odder cobra dope. Brocade drooped. Ted DE CORSIA Esoteric dad. Decries toad. Adore edicts. Desired coat. Discrete ado. A direst code. Cecile DE FRANCE Facile credence. Need cafe circle. Rifle accedence. Sam DE GRASSE Masses raged. Greased mass. Dream gasses. Xavier DE GUILLEBON Valued boring exile. Dug inexorable evil. Relieving old beaux. Gloria DE HAVEN Ideal hangover. Leave hoarding. An evildoer hag. Varied halogen. Olivia DE HAVILLAND Haloed avid villain. Frank DE KOVA Kafka vendor. Knave of dark. Philippe DE LACY Happily led epic. Hype placid pile. Idle hippy place. Christian DE LA FUENTE Inheritance defaults. Unchained flatteries. Unrelated chieftains. Defines untheatrical. In fainthearted clues. A futile disenchanter. Hate refined lunatics. Uncle is fainthearted. Alienates deft urchin. Detain cheerful saint. Due frailties enchant. Needs authentic flair. Fine-hearted lunatics. Launched fine artiste. Disenchant futile era. Paz DE LA HUERTA True alpha daze. Epaulet hazard. Adapt haze rule. Margeurite DE LA MOTTE Delegate immature rot. Ultimate greater mode. Agreed mealtime tutor. Frances DE LA TOUR Underscore fatal.. Real confused rat. After a scoundrel. John DE LANCIE Conned Elijah. Derek DE LINT Liked tender. Kindled tree. Delete drink. Alessandro DE MARCO Adore more scandals. Sad ordeal romances. Adored calm reasons. Lads adore romances. Aerodrome scandals. Rascal adores demon. Drea DE MATTEO Odd meat-eater. Moderate date. Meet dear toad. Maria DE MEDEIROS Drearisome media. Aid dear memories. Remedies diorama. Admire mad soiree. Married some idea. Read dairies memo. Rebecca DE MORNAY Decry macabre one. Embrace deaconry. Maybe record acne. Can embody career. Concede barmy era. Rambo decency era. Robert DE NIRO Reborn editor. Inert brooder. Emilie DE RAVIN Revile in media. Derive main lie. Liveried anime. Rubye DE REMER Bury redeemer. Ye be murderer. Eyed mere burr. Rex DE ROSSELLI Six elder roles. Ex losers idler. Six older reels. Portia DE ROSSI Parodies riots. Or spare idiots. Satirised poor. Radio ripostes. Is adroit poser. Said it's poorer. So adore spirit. Posterior aids. Prairies stood. Anthony DE SANDO To annoyed hands. Noon heat's dandy. Annoy honest dad. Joe DE SANTIS No jest aside. Sedate joins. Joined asset. Vittorio DE SICA Void atrocities. Avoid eroticist. Satiric to video. Melissa DE SOUSA Assume idea loss. So amuses ladies. Harry DE VERE Very rad here. Her very dare. Revere hardy. Francesco DE VITO Converted fiasco. Confide, overacts. Favored conceits. Cost for deviance. Overfond ascetic. A festive concord. Farces not voiced. Factored novices. Not discover face. Brandon DE WILDE A blinded wonder. No inbred dawdle. Bland eiderdown. Cliff DE YOUNG Defy fun logic. Off dying clue. Fluency of dig. Richard DEACON Nordic charade. Arachnid decor. A chronic dread. Sarah DEAKINS An ideas shark. A shakier sand. Has kind areas. Eddie DEAN Needed aid. Idea ended. A need died. James DEAN Made jeans. A dense jam. Names jade. Julia DEAN Jail Auden. Jail a nude. Loren DEAN A lone nerd. Learned "no" Louis DEAN A delusion. No sad lieu. Use an idol. A sound lie. Alien duos. Also due in. Margia DEAN Dream again. Rain damage. Aged airman. Anger a maid. Mania raged. Aid manager. Priscilla DEAN Spill radiance. Inspired a call. Dial nicer pals. Rick DEAN Kind care. Drank ice. Nice dark. Ron DEAN Earn nod. Done ran. Darn one. Ashton DEARHOLT Snarl to hothead. No loathed trash. Health donators. Jamel DEBBOUZE Emblaze due job. Marcia DeBONIS Abide no racism. Aod sober manic. Cinema is broad. Rosemary DeCAMP Scary poem dream. Academy rompers. Mad prayers come. Brooklyn DECKER Nerd Rocky bloke. Brokenly corked. Edward "Blue" DECKERT Wrecked brutal deed. Talked reduced brew. Creek dawdler debut. Jan DECLEIR Decline Raj. Frances DEE Screen fade. Denser farce. Fans recede. Dancer's fee. Free dances. Ruby DEE Rude bye. Buy reed. Buy deer. Sandra DEE Add a sneer. A dare ends. Sane dread. Eddie DEEZEN ID needed zee. Annette DeFOE Donate net fee. Tone-deaf teen. Deafen E.T. tone. Don DeFORE Feed donor. Roofed end. Foe droned. Hal DE FORREST Flashed retro. Fresh leotard. Half restored. Retold afresh. Star freehold. Older fathers. Adele DeGARDE Added glee era. Dreaded eagle. Edged a leader. Ellen DEGENERES Lend serene glee. Reel legend seen. Lend, else renege. Raffaello DEGRUTTOLA Float grateful ordeal. Argued later footfall. Regulated fatal floor. John DEHNER Heed NJ horn. Tim DeKAY Make tidy. Admit key. E.T. kid may. Albert DEKKER A trekker bled. Thomas DEKKER OK dark themes. The dark smoke. Had meek stork. Leon DE LA MOTHE Demean Othello. Elemental hood. One lethal demo. Hotel lemonade. All denote home. Hated lone mole. Charles DELANEY Hence really sad. Recalled hyenas. Really end chase. An elderly chase. Has elderly acne. Leashed larceny. B.H. DeLAY Blah dye. Eh, baldy. Held bay. Kate DEL CASTILLO Collated talkies. Loads like cattle. Do celestial talk. DEL NEGRO Old genre. Golden ER. No gelder. Dolores DEL RIO Soiled drooler. Idle odor loser. Benicio DEL TORO Elite brood icon. Bloodier notice. Suzy DELAIR Lazy is rude. Kim DELANEY Mild Yankee. Keen, milady. Male kidney. Diane DELANO On a deadline. And one ideal. Add one alien. Dana DELANY Andean lady. Any lane, dad. A deadly nan. Cyril DELEVANTI Idyllic veteran. Certainly lived Daintily clever. Clearly invited. Vainly derelict. A devilry client. Majandra DELFINO Adorned final jam. And informal jade. Adjoin dream flan. Claudia DELL Lauded lilac. Gabriel DELL Glad libeler. Regaled bill. Large-billed. Alain DELON An old alien. Loan denial. Linda alone. Michael DELORENZO Ozone held miracle. Moralized echelon. Localized hero men. Nikki DELOACH Nice old khaki. Kicked in halo. Julie DELPY Yield julep. Anne Marie DELUISE Resume inane ideal. Serene alumni idea. Mean alien residue. David DeLUISE Devil aided us. Disvalued die. Did suave idle. Dom DeLUISE Loud demise. Idled mouse. Side module. Peter DeLUISE Perused elite. Leeriest dupe. Pestered lieu. Puerile steed. Erudite sleep. Sleepier duet. William DEMAREST Lewd materialism. Detail warm smile. Mildew materials. Katherine DeMILLE Meek all inherited. A needlelike mirth. Reheated lime kiln. Mylene DEMONGEOT Moot enemy legend. Meet golden money. Teeny model gnome. Darcy DEMOSS My odd scares. So, adds mercy. Messy odd arc. Anais DEMOUSTIER Assure mediation. A tedious seminar. Rationed a misuse. Patrick DEMPSEY Predicts my peak. Strapped Mickey. Kept spicy dream. Joe DEMPSIE Jee, dim pose. Carol DEMPSTER Trampled score. Smart old creep. Mad loser crept. Jeffrey DeMUNN Fed fenmen jury. Mere duff jenny. NJ enemy duffer. Judy DENCH Eh, NJ cuddy. DENDEN Denned. Den end. Catherine DENEUVE Never the audience. Hated nice revenue. Hear uneven deceit. Hence, venture idea. Uncheered naivete. Evade inherent cue. Christopher DENHAM Enrich sharp method. Phoned this charmer. Hero hid parchments. Maurice DENHAM A humid menacer. Immune charade. Marianne DENICOURT Draconian mutineer. Armed renunciation. Demure incarnation. Lydie DENIER Needily dire. Idly needier. Deny ride lie. Tony DENISON Noon destiny. Deny notions. David DENMAN Divan demand. Tony DENMAN Don't any men? Not many end. End antonym. Brian DENNEHY Hey, ban dinner. Charles DENNER Screen handler. Her nerd cleans. Lend arch sneer. Richard DENNING Nigh rancid nerd. Grind darn niche. Kat DENNINGS Sending tank. Skinned gnat. Kind gannets. Sandy DENNIS Days Inn ends. Reginald DENNY Randy, in legend. Danny lingered. Ending dry lane. Catherine DENT Cheated intern. Indecent heart. Decent hairnet. Vernon DENT Vent on nerd. Gerard DEPARDIEU Upgrade a derider. Guillaume DEPARDIEU Deluge impaired luau. Adieu plagued Muriel. Julie DEPARDIEU Aid puerile Jude. Johnny DEPP Phoney NJ PD. Joe DeRITA I adore jet. I jeer toad. Jet or idea. Emilie DEQUENNE I'm equine needle. Dim Queen Eileen. Need equine lime. Bo DEREK Breed OK. Kerb ode. John DEREK Honed jerk. Bruce DERN Rue CB nerd. Burn creed. Laura DERN Aural nerd. Lunar dear. And a dear. Debi DERRYBERRY Dry reed bribery. Michael DES BARRES Cheerlesss barmaid. Reassembled chair. Admires bleachers. Bash idle screamer. Caramelised herbs. Charisma bleeders. Anne DeSALVO Andean loves. Leave on sand. Leaden novas. Stanley DeSANTIS Dainty staleness. Analyse dentists. Destiny sealants. Nastily assented. Inanest sad style. Alex DESCAS Axed scales. Emily DESCHANEL Lacily enmeshed. All cheesy denim. Heed manic yells. Zooey DESCHANEL Choose lazy need. Cease holy dozen. Echoed sleazy No. Florence DESHON Condone herself. Consoled Hefner. Hence fools nerd. William DESMOND Mellow mind aids. Down dismal mile. Slim, idled woman. Ivan DESNY Sandy vine. Snide navy. Amanda DETMER Man-made trade. Dream mandate. Ardent madame. William DEVANE In medieval law. Wild, naive male. Evil man wailed. Paula DeVICQ Cave lad quip. VIP equal cad. Aidan DEVINE And die naive. Envied naiad. An envied aid. Andy DEVINE An envy died. Denied navy. Loretta DEVINE Noted relative. Venerated toil. A tender violet. Danny DeVITO Do end vanity. Tend any void. Avid Tony end. Richard DEVON Con had driver. Overdid ranch. A driven chord. Dorothy DEVORE Over odd theory. Emmanuelle DEVOS Male model venues. Lemons devalue me. Patrick DEWAERE Wrecked pirate. Predate wackier. Caretaker wiped. Colleen DEWHURST Cruelest when old. Consult wheedler. Rosemary DeWITT Estimated worry. So witty dreamer. To weird mastery. A drowsy termite. So draw temerity. My weirdo treats. Met stray weirdo. Wry maestro edit. Writes arty mode. Noureen DeWULF Unwound feeler. New or unfueled? We unfurled one. Brad DEXTER Extra bed, Dr. Bred X-rated. Elliott DEXTER Exert old title. Extorted ill E.T. It exerted toll. Susan DEY Says "nude" Deny as us. Cliff DeYOUNG Defy fun logic. Do guff nicely. Defy UFO cling. Ayesha DHARKER Harked hearsay. Rear shaky head. Yeah, shark dare! Caroline DHAVERNAS Arachnoid enslaver. Rash novel radiance. So enhanced arrival. Hold saner variance. Her Draconian slave. None rival charades. Patterson DIAL And polite star. So rapid talent. No paid starlet. Chris DIAMANTOPOULOS Idolatrous champions. Spousal mitochondria. No parasitic hoodlums. This malodorous panic. Pool satanic dishumor. Ditch poisonous alarm. Plot odious anarchism. Rapid macho solutions. Parsimonious old chat. Reed Edward DIAMOND Adored weird demand. Rewarded odd maiden. Demanded wider road. Admired, now dreaded. Admire drowned dead. Cameron DIAZ No media czar. Domain craze. Amazon cried. Guillermo DIAZ Mug lazier idol. A glum idolizer. Melonie DIAZ Lionize dame. Idolize name. Demonize Ali. Leonardo DiCAPRIO Core paranoid idol. Cool raindrop idea. Ciao, Polaroid nerd! George DiCENZO Recognized ego. Bobby DiCICCO BBC cob idiocy. Andy DICK Kid candy. Dinky cad. Douglas DICK Duck dialogs. Gaol did suck. Kids dug coal. Kim DICKENS Kicks denim. Skink medic. Angie DICKINSON Gained ink icons. Asinine docking. Bo DIDDLEY Be idly odd. Body idled. Yodled bid. August DIEHL Suited laugh. The usual dig. Huge dualist. John DIERKES Hinders joke. Hides no jerk. Charles DIERKOP Rakish old creep. Adore clerkship. Drop sick healer. Repaid Sherlock. Liked rare chops. Orchard kelpies. Vin DIESEL I end lives. I sniveled. Seen livid. William DIETERLE Limit leeward lie. All-time wieldier. Lilied limewater. Marlene DIETRICH Ethical reminder. Merit chandelier. Hinder Carmelite. Anton DIFFRING Dining affront. Dudley DIGGES Dig ugly deeds. Taye DIGGS Steady gig. Gags deity. Is gadgety. Arthur DIGNAM Hurting drama. Maturing hard. Max DILL I'm XL lad. Garret DILLAHUNT Glandular hitter. The ultra darling. Rather dull giant. All reading truth. Halt during alert. Dare gaunt thrill. Stephen DILLANE Hell's inept dean. Need lethal spin. Help intense lad. Phyllis DILLER Ply idle shrill. Bradford DILLMAN Darn firm oddball. Old farmland bird. Bad landlord firm. Edward DILLON Old and wilder. Win added roll. Nerd did allow. Land idle word. I wed landlord. Wild loner dad. Hugh DILLON No dull high. John DILLON Hold NJ lion. John Francis DILLON NJ doornails flinch. Kevin DILLON No devil link. Matt DILLON Not till mad. Melinda DILLON Landed million. Damned ill lion. Paul DILLON Pull on dial. Alan DINEHART An adrenal hit. Near Thailand. Neat handrail. Charles DINGLE Heraldic glens. Adhering cells. Clashing elder. Ernie DINGO Need origin. Dine in gore. Peter DINKLAGE Delete parking. Kept agile nerd. Triangled keep. Madame Rose DIONE Aided mean Romeos. A marooned demise. Doom meaner ideas. Mere dodo amnesia. Erase domain mode. Named moodier sea. Stefano DIONISI Idiot fan noises. Food insanities. Notifies adonis. Kim DIRECTOR Timid rocker. Trickier mod. Dirtier mock. Bob DISHY Hid by sob. Walt DISNEY It's new, lady. I went sadly. Windy tales. DIVINE In dive. Andrew DIVOFF Dawn drive off. Now fervid fad. Vow and differ. Richard DIX Ax did chirr. Robert DIX Dirt boxer. Donna DIXON An odd Nixon. James DIXON Joins mad ex. Joined Xmas. Pamela DIXON Old exam pain. Omid DJALILI Jail dim idol.