ACTORS ...CHARACTERS ANACTAGRAMS Anthony Daniels ...C-3PO Aliens not handy. And insanely hot. Kenny Baker ...R2-D2 Knee by rank. Alec Guinness ...Obi-Wan Kenobi Genius cleans. Nun's legacies. Unease clings. Ewan McGregor ...Obi-Wan Kenobi Crewmen aggro. Grew mega corn. David Prowse ...Darth Vader Overdid swap. View sad drop. Voided wraps. Odd spiv wear. Was odder VIP. Waived drops. James Earl Jones ...Darth Vader (v) Jeers lame Jonas. Sebastian Shaw ...Darth Vader ...Anakin Skywalker Banish as waste. Saw as absinthe. Wash base stain. Jake Lloyd ...Anakin Skywalker Ally joked. Hayden Christensen ...Anakin Skywalker This enhanced syren. Shy snide enchanter. Nanny sheds heretic. Peter Mayhew ...Chewbacca Why permeate? Weep at rhyme. Harm weepy E.T. Mark Hamill ...Luke Skywalker I'm hallmark. All mark him. Aidan Barton ...Luke Skywalker I abandon rat. No brain data. An adroit ban. A drab nation. Carrie Fisher ...Princess Leia Fierier crash. Fair cherries. Cashier firer. Harrison Ford ...Han Solo Honors fair Dr. Di fans horror. Natalie Portman ...Padme Amidala A normal patient. Ample tarnation. Rampant elation. Ornamental pita. Not partial amen. An important ale. Am pain tolerant. No patient alarm. Frank Oz ...Yoda Zonk far. Silas Carson ...Ki-Adi-Mundi ...Nute Gunray Assail scorn. Scan air loss. Samuel L. Jackson ...Mace Windu Mull one jackass. Cajun oak smells. Local's same junk. Mass junk locale. Liam Neeson ...Qui-Gon JinnAlien omens. On same line. Oilman seen. Ian McDiarmid ...Sheev Palpatine Add darn mimic. Rid manic maid. Ray Park ...Darth Maul Pray ark. Peter Serafinowitz ...Darth Maul (v) Few patronize sites. Patriot wins freeze. Protest zanier wife. We patronize strife. Christopher Lee ...Count Dooku Repel the choirs. Helicopters her. Help heroic rest. Oliver Ford Davies ...Sio Bibble Disfavor evildoer. Lover I disfavored. Revive frail dodos. Ahmed Best ...Jar Jar Binks (v) Debt shame. Best themes. Mad behest. Brian Blessed ...Boss Nass (v) Sensible bard. Beer and bliss. Hugh Quarshie ...Captain Panaka Risque hag, huh? Huge Iraq hush. Keira Knightley ...Sabe Like hearty king. Terence Stamp ...Chancellor Valorum Meant respect. Can't pester me. Mere pets can't. Jimmy Smits ...Bail Organa ~CRF~ Jay Laga'aia ...Captain Typho ~CRF~ Peter Cushing ...Grand Moff Tarkin Prescient hug. Repugn ethics. I purge stench. Septic hunger. Creeping shut. Guest pincher. Wayne Pigram ...Grand Moff Tarkin Pawn imagery. A wimpy range. Epigram yawn. My pagan wire. Kenneth Colley ...Admiral Piett Neck the lonely. Only net heckle. Denis Lawson ...Wedge Antilles Won sad lines. Downs saline. Owned snails. David Ankrum ...Wedge Antilles (v) Via mad drunk. Am drunk diva. Billy Dee Williams ...Lando Calrissian Sillily blew media. Wildly able simile. Mails libel widely. Caroline Blakiston ...Mon Mothma Colonialist banker. Brain-like collants. Bilocation rankles. Soak not brilliance. Not anaerobic skill. Slick national bore. OK local inebriants. Collaberate in sink. Genevieve O'Reilly ...Mon Mothma Given lovelier eye. Revile eleven yogi. Timothy M. Rose ...Admiral Ackbar To this memory. Room site myth. Omit my others. It's myth, Romeo. To shirty memo. The misty moor. Erik Bauersfeld ...Admiral Ackbar (v) ...Bib Fortuna (v) Bardlike refuse. Failed rebukers. Rude life breaks. Refuse abler kid. Fear bulk desire. Lure fake brides. Sure dark belief. Frauds like beer. Warwick Davis ...Wicket W. Warrick Wicks diva raw. Matthew Wood ...General Grievous (v) What wet mood. Ohm owed watt? Two who'd mate. Wow that demo. Paul Blake ...Greedo A pale bulk. All bake up. Larry Ward ...Greedo (v) ...Jabba the Hutt (v) ~CRF~ Jeremy Bulloch ...Boba Fett Much jolly beer. Homely LBJ cure. Jason Wingreen ...Boba Fett (v) Gonna win jeers. Join newer snag. New saner jingo. Rejoin new nags. Jeering no swan. Join new ranges. Daniel Logan ...Boba Fett Loan dealing. Non-legal aid. Glad no alien. No genial lad. An angel idol. Loading elan. A long denial. An alien gold. Michael Carter ...Bib Fortuna I charm treacle. Catch mere liar. Her miracle act. The racier calm. Reclaim the car. Catchier realm. Character mile. Marital creche. Temuera Morrison ...Jango Fett No steamier rumor. Minus mere orator. Ruin master Romeo. Numerator is more. Monitor measurer. Manure motoriser. Leeanna Walsman ...Zam Wesell All wanna enemas? Phil Brown ...Owen Lars ~CRF~ Joel Edgerton ...Owen Lars Longed to jeer. Shelagh Fraser ...Beru Whitesun Lars Has fresh glare, Her rages flash. Flags her share. Harsh fears gel. Bonnie Piesse ...Beru Whitesun Lars Bison pie seen. Been in posies. Ponies see bin. Noise in beeps. Pernilla August ...Shmi Skywalker A pulsating lure. Inaugural pelts. Andy Secombe ...Watto (v) Body menaces. Mad boy scene. Maybe second. Ace by demons. Amen, cosy bed. My absence do. Lewis MacLeod ...Sebulba (v) Malice slowed. Male cows idle. Lewd camisole. Welcomed sail. E-mailed scowl. Slid a welcome. Ronald Falk ...Dexter Jettster (v) Fork and all. Dank for all. Ran old flak. Dark on fall. Rank do fall. Drank of all. Jack Thompson ...Cliegg Lars (v) Phantom jocks. Hm, no jackpots.
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